Thursday, June 10, 2010

Waiting paid off

I've been drooling over these paper weights in Pier 1 since the winter. 

(Pier 1)
Beautiful, right?  I just wasn't loving the $14.95 price tag that came with it.  I know they're heavy items and they are from Pier 1, but I just couldn't justify spending that much on something that small that was literally going to just sit somewhere in my house. 
I checked the store religously to see if the paperweight went on sale or was moved to clearance. Every time I got an email from Pier 1 I searched their website to see there was a drop in price.
But, for months, my dream paperweight held steady at $14.95.
Well, the other day, Dave & I went into Pier 1 to kill time before we had to leave for a party.  My eye was immediately on this lovely piece that was marked down to $6 because there's a teeny tiny chip on the top.
I grabbed it up and continued to browse the store.  Dave laughed at me that I always seem to find great deals on items.  What can I say, I'm a sale & clearance kind of gal!
After not finding anything else that was reasonably priced or as lovely as this vase, I quickly checked out the price of the paperweights.  Yup. You guessed it. Still $14.95.
Dave asked which was my favorite and I pointed to the one that had a picture of a chandelier. He grabbed one and placed it on the counter explaining that I may as well get it now since I've been drooling over them for so long.
Can you guess what happened next?  IT WAS ON SALE!!  It was a surprise sale I guess because it rang up at $11 and change.  WOOHOO! I am one happy girl.
See, isn't beautiful?
And it soooooo belongs here, in my home, on my entryway table.  I love beautiful things and this little paperweight makes me so happy.
Please ignore my empty vases. I do plan on adding flowers to them, I just haven't had time.                         

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