Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My latest obsession

I've developed an obsession with hour glasses.  I already own two, and if I pass one in a store, I have to stop, stare, and pick it up. 
I'm not sure if it goes back to my love of the Wizard of Oz.
My favorite hourglass scene is when Dorothy is just about to be rescued by her friends and she turns to the hourglass, which is almost empty, and begs them to hurry.  I still get anxious watching that scene, even though I know what happens.

My obsession with hourglasses could also stem from my love of the beach.  There's nothing like the feeling of sand beneath my toes and watching the sand sprinkle through the hourglass does have me daydreaming of summer.
Although, it could very well be that I love the sleek lines of the hourglass, the delicate shape and the curiousness it sparks in me as to how they get the sand inside.  Now matter what it is, I'm obsessed with hourglasses and hope to add to my collection.  I think these two need some friends.

I especially love the one on the left since the hourglass is encased in a tube of water.  It's awesome!

I hope to add more to my mantle soon.  And did you notice my Dorothy figurine? My love of the Wizard of Oz doesn't just end at hourglasses.  That is truly my all time favorite movie!

Monday, May 17, 2010

"Madam Green Thumbs"

That was the nickname my husband gave me on Saturday.  We took a trip to Lowes, with a coupon I might add, and loaded up on some beautiful plants for our front garden.  With the help of Hendrix, our rabbit, we were able to turn the soil, lay down some top soil and plant everything we got, all while soaking up the sun.  As you can see, the tulips I had planted are all gone.  I cut down the brown stems a few weeks ago. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that these plants stay green and flower throughout the summer.  As long as we remember to water them, we should be ok.  My husband is going to pick up some Miracle Gro this week so we can feed these beauties. 

My Easter Lily, which is front and center is still standing tall and green!

Wish us luck!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

My little helper

We spent the day outside today taking in the beautiful weather.  We even brought out our little furbaby, Hendrix.  She's an angora rabbit about 2 years old and she has grabbed a hold of our hearts from the moment we laid eyes on her.  She's an inside bunny with full range of our house, but today we decided to spoil her even more. (If that's even possible)
We brought her cage outside so she could soak up the rays, which is good since it'll provide Vitamin D for her and to feel the breeze on her face.  She's never locked in her cage so she was a little disoriented at first, but once she felt the first breeze on her face, she was sooooo happy.  Here's just a few pictures of her soaking up the sun.  Stay tuned for the reason why she was my little helper today!  Enjoy your weekend!

"Why am I in a cage?"

"I love the smell of Spring!"
"Working on my tan!"

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I loves me some Target!

I needed a bag to bring to work that would carry my stuff. My stuff being whatever book I'm reading, my lunch, my gazillion snacks, my water and whatever bills I need to pay.  I had a little bag for a while, but I had a little mishap with my lunch one day.  My salad dressing spilled all over the bottom of my bag and ruined it.  I guess I could have washed it, but it was just too gross to keep around all day at work.  Soooo, after a few weeks of trying to beat my husband to left over shopping bags (he's got stuff to bring to work too), I finally broke down and went on the hunt for a new work bag. 
I went to my favorite store of all time........TARGET!!!  I did find a few cute bags, including this one:

It was on sale, but I wasn't that crazy about it.  I held onto it and wandered over the the dollar bins. (Those bins are my favorite part of Target!)  There were a few bags, but they were huge and see thru. Not exactly my taste, not that this bag was my style either.  I then spotted two green handles sticking out from the bottom of one of the bins.  I pulled on the handles and found the perfect bag.  Here it is:
 And it was only a DOLLAR!!!! How can you go wrong with a dollar?!  I am quite thrilled with my purchase.  Dare I say I can't wait for work tomorrow to show it off?