I've developed an obsession with hour glasses. I already own two, and if I pass one in a store, I have to stop, stare, and pick it up.
I'm not sure if it goes back to my love of the Wizard of Oz.
My favorite hourglass scene is when Dorothy is just about to be rescued by her friends and she turns to the hourglass, which is almost empty, and begs them to hurry. I still get anxious watching that scene, even though I know what happens.
My obsession with hourglasses could also stem from my love of the beach. There's nothing like the feeling of sand beneath my toes and watching the sand sprinkle through the hourglass does have me daydreaming of summer.
Although, it could very well be that I love the sleek lines of the hourglass, the delicate shape and the curiousness it sparks in me as to how they get the sand inside. Now matter what it is, I'm obsessed with hourglasses and hope to add to my collection. I think these two need some friends.
I especially love the one on the left since the hourglass is encased in a tube of water. It's awesome!
I hope to add more to my mantle soon. And did you notice my Dorothy figurine? My love of the Wizard of Oz doesn't just end at hourglasses. That is truly my all time favorite movie!